.cr terms&conditions

.cr terms & conditions

1. registry of a domain name
1,1 domain names of second level:

In Costa Rica the domain name of superior level CR is administered by the National Academy of Sciences . Soon are the created domain names of second level under CR for the registry of domain name names. The domain names of second level are:
domain names of second level Sector
 Academic: Universities, Centers of Postgrado and Instituciones de Investigacio'n, all with academic aims and/or of investigation. In the case of the state universities they will have to be recognized by CONARE and in the case of the universities deprived by the CONESUP.
 Commercial: legal and physical people who dedicate themselves to the commercial activity
 Education: centers of prescholastic, primary, secondary education, for-college student and other institutions of authorized education by the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica.
 Financier: financial organizations of the Republic of Costa Rica regulated and authorized by the National Council of Supervision of Sistema Financiero (CONASSIF).
 Government: Sector government and supreme powers of the Republic of Costa Rica, like for example: Ministries, Executive authority, Legislative and Judicial, Independent Municipalities, Organizations, among others.
 Organizations: Voluntary organizations and Associations.
 Health: organizations of health recognized by the Costa Rican Box of the Social Insurance and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Costa Rica.

The applicant of a domain name name will have to select to the domain name of second low level which wishes to register the name, according to the sector to which belongs the activity of the name to register.

The names under the domain name of second level go.cr are exclusive for the sector government of the Republic of Costa Rica. The organizations that wish to register names of domain name under the domain name of second level ac.cr, ed.cr, fi.cr, or.cr, sa.cr , from the outside will be able to do it, as long as they count in Costa Rica with a seat or representation.

Thus modified by means of the publication in the No.243 Newspaper of the 13 of December of the 2004.

1,2 Types of applicant of a domain name:

The following people will be able to ask for the inscription of a domain name name:

Physical people: domiciled in Costa Rica or the outside

P ersonas legal: domiciled in Costa Rica or the outside
In a domain name name, the physical or legal person whom she asks for the domain name will act like Titling of the same one.

1,3 Basic specifications of a domain name:

The length overall of a domain name will not have to exceed the 63 characters.

Ls you valid characters are numbers, the the 9 letters of the English alphabet from a to z, numbers from the 0 to and the script (-).

The domain name will not have to begin or to finish with the script (-) nor to take two followed scripts (-).
1,4 Documentation for the registry of a domain name:

The asked for documentation to register a domain name will depend on the domain name of second low level which will register the name:

domain names of second level  

Documentation to present/display

 SINGLE the public institutions or to request of NIC-Internet of Costa Rica will present/display documentation.
In these cases, the documents to present/display are:

· Copy of the decree of Law that created them (state universities) or copies of the act of recognition of the CONESUP (private universities).

· Original of the legal Function and position of agent of the institution with not more than 1 month of emitted.

· Letter of the legal representative of the institution soliciing the domain name.

· Photocopy of the identity card of the legal representative.
 SINGLE if the name to register is a registered tradename or well-known or to request of NIC-Internet Costa Rica. In these cases, if the applicant is a legal person, the documentation to present/display is the following one:

· Letter of the legal representative of whom asks for the name soliciing the domain name.

· Original of the legal function and position of agent of that asks for the name with not more than 1 month of emitted.

· Photocopy of the legal certificate.

· Photocopy of the identity card of the legal representative.

If the applicant is a physical person, the documentation to present/display is the following one:

Letter of that asks for the name soliciing the domain name.
Photocopy of the identity card of the applicant.
 SINGLE the centers of public education or to request of NIC - Internet Costa Rica will present/display documentation. The documents to present/display are:

· Certification of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Costa Rica, where one becomes an official recognition of studies and titles distributed by the institution and Director of the same one.

· Letter of the Director soliciing the domain name.

· Photocopy of the identity card of the Director.
 SINGLE to request of NIC-Internet Costa Rica. In this case the documentation to presents/displays is the following one:

· Letter of the legal representative of whom asks for the name soliciing the domain name.

· Original of the legal function and position of agent of that asks for the name with not more than 1 month of emitted.

· Photocopy of the legal certificate

· Photocopy of the identity card of the legal representative.
 All the governmental organizations that register under this category will have to present/display the following documentation:

Letter of the Minister, Vice-minister or maximum jerarca of the institution soliciing the domain name.
Original of the legal function and position of agent of the organization with not more than 1 month of emitted
Photocopy of the identity card of the Minister, Vice-minister or maximum jerarca.
 SINGLE to request of NIC-Internet Costa Rica. In this case the documentation to present/display is the following one:

· Letter of the legal representative of who asks for the name asking for the domain name.

· Original of the legal function and position of agent of who asks for the name with not more than 1 month of emitted.

· Photocopy of the legal certificate.

· Photocopy of the identity card of the legal representative.
 SINGLE the centers of public health or to request of NIC - Internet Costa Rica will present/display documentation. The documents to present/display are:

· Certification of the Costa Rican Box of the Social Insurance or Ministry of Health where one recognizes the center or institution of health and Director of the same one.

· Letter of the Director soliciing the domain name.

· Photocopy of the identity card of the Director.

NIC-Internet Costa Rica reserves the right to ask for any other documentation that considers necessary for the registry of a name. In the cases where the applicant requires to present/display documentation, the same one will have to be sent in original to the offices of NIC-Internet Costa Rica.

Thus modified by means of the publication in the No.243 Newspaper of the 13 of December of the 2004.

1,5 Contacts in a domain name:

a. In www.nic.cr , form of registry of contacts the people will register themselves who will act like contacts of a domain name name:

or Person in charge (contact) administrative: the administrative one in charge of the domain name

or Person in charge (contact) technician: the technical one in charge of the domain name

b. The administrative and technical contact can be a same person, the administrative contact will have to be in favor authorized of the holder of the domain name to act like so.

c. Each contact will register a NIC-Handle (direction of electronic mail) and access key that will use to consult information and to make transactions. He is requisite indispensable that the direction of electronic mail of the contacts are in operation.

d. E formal average l of communication between NIC-Internet Costa Rica and the contacts of a domain name name will be the electronic mail.

e. It is responsibility of the contacts to maintain updated his information in the data base of NIC-Internet Costa Rica. The update of the information of the contact will be made in agreement with the established thing in section 2 of the present document. National academy of Sciences and NIC-Internet Costa Rica people in charge by the impossibility are not made send notifications or communications to the contacts of a domain name under CR by a desactualización in the information of such, erroneous information or deception.

f. The modifications in a domain name could be transacted by the contacts administrative and/or technical and titular of the domain name in agreement with the established thing in section 3 of the present document of Policies.

Under no circumstance NIC-Internet Costa Rica one will communicate with the contacts to ask for its NIC-Handle and key to them of access. The use is responsibility of each contact that him of a its NIC-Handle and key of access.

Thus modified by means of the publication in the No.243 Newspaper of the 13 of December of the 2004.

1,6 Procedure for the registry of a domain name:

Paying electronically by means of credit card or debit:

If the domain name that wishes to register is going it to cancel through our site www.nic.cr by means of debit or credit card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Dinners), the steps to follow for the registry of domain names are the following ones:

a. To verify the availability of the name of domain name wished in www.nic.cr

b. To complete the form of registry of contacts registering the NIC - Handle and key of access, on the part of each contact of the domain name (administrative and technical).

c. To complete the form registry of domain names where also one is due to complete the data of his debit or credit card.

d. To send the formula in line.

Thus modified by means of the publication in the No.243 Newspaper of the 13 of December of the 2004.

Paying with banking deposit or banking transference:

If the domain name that wishes to register is going it to cancel by means of banking transference or banking deposit, the steps to follow for the registry of domain names are the following ones:

a. To verify the availability of the name of domain name wished in our site www.nic.cr

b.      Proceder al pago del dominio, ya sea por transferencia bancaria o depósito bancario. 

c.       Completar el formulario registro de contactos registrando el NIC - Handle y clave de acceso, por parte de cada contacto del dominio (administrativo y técnico).  

d.      Completar el formulario registro de domain names. 

e.       Enviar la fórmula en línea.

El dominio solicitado quedará registrado en un máximo de 24 horas hábiles después de que NIC-Internet Costa Rica haya recibido la solicitud electrónica y la haya aprobado. Para esto, será necesario que la fórmula se haya completado correctamente, que NIC-Internet Costa Rica haya verificado el pago y haya recibido la documentación, cuando el dominio a inscribir así lo requiera. NIC-Internet Costa Rica enviará un aviso electrónico y automático a los contactos informándoles sobre la aprobación de la solicitud, y a partir de ese momento, empezarán a regir las 24 horas hábiles. Este plazo de 24 horas hábiles es válido excepto por causas de fuerza mayor ajenas al control de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias y su dependencia NIC-Internet Costa Rica.

Cuando el dominio a registrar requiera presentar documentación, el solicitante del nombre dispondrá de 15 días naturales contados apartir de la fecha de recepción de la solicitud por parte de NIC-Internet de Costa Rica, para presentar los documentos. Durante este plazo, la solicitud electronica de registro permanecerá en estado pendiente. Pasado el plazo, si la documentación no fue presentada satisfactoriamente, la solicitud de registro será rechazada, y el nombre podrá ser utilizado por cualquier otro interesado.  

La Academia Nacional de Ciencias a través de su dependencia NIC-Internet Costa Rica velaran por evitar el registro abusivo de domain names y por proteger las marcas registradas y notorias. Así mismo, denegará solicitudes cuando su uso vaya en contra de la moral, orden público y buenas costumbres, de acuerdo con la legislación vigente en Costa Rica. Nombres de domain names genéricos que se consideren de interes nacional serán administrados por la Academia Nacional de Ciencias. 

La zona de autoridad que se le asigna al solicitante de un dominio, sea éste persona física o jurídica, cuando completa el registro de un nombre de dominio bajo el Dominio Superior CR no puede ser traspasada, transferida, vendida, cedida, donada o asignada a otra persona física o jurídica distinta al titular del dominio. En caso contrario NIC-Internet Costa Rica procederá con la eliminación del dominio registrado sin ninguna responsabilidad para la Academia Nacional de Ciencias. 

Así modificado mediante la publicación en La Gaceta No.243 del 13 de diciembre del 2004.