.com.bo domeinnaam registreren

bo terms&conditions

bo terms & conditions
Supreme decree no. 26624 - Cabinet: Regulation for the Registry of domain names (Bolivia)


That in 1990, the Bolivian Network of Data communication - BolNet - dependent organization of the Vice-presidency of the Republic, registered the Code of Country for the domain name of Maximum Level (ccTLDs)".bo ", I dominate of Name for the registry and control of networks of connected computers to Internet in the National Territory of Bolivia.

That between period 1990 to 1995, this domain name of country was used for the service of electronic mail and from Julio of 1995 uses for the registry of networks, subnetworks, and Web sites connected to Internet under the domain name "bo"

That this work makes BolNet fulfilling the referring norms international to domain names national RFCs Not 1591, and norms taking into account the inherent preference of norms and regulations to the Rights from Intellectual Property and Registry from Commerce.

That BolNet has developed to everything a physical file system, systems of services and data bases in line located in www.nic.bo, regulation and procedures and procedure of cobranzas according to governmental norms.

That BolNet is properly registered in the new administrator of domain names Internet to world-wide level ICANN: For Internet Corporation Assigned of Names. And Numbers (Corporation for the allocation of names and numbers Internet)

That BolNet from 1998, belongs to Latin LACNIC American and Caribbean Country Code Top Level domain name Organization, organization that the Caribbean for the profit of objectives common in the region groups to ccTLDs (country code Top Level domain name) of Latin America and.

That dice the accelerated growth of networks and systems Internet in Bolivia for the registry of domain names "bo", is necessary to emit the legal disposition that regulates the ordering of networks and systems from the state sector.



I ARTICULATE 1. (OBJECT). - The present Supreme Decree has the purpose of regulating and of ordering the registry of names of domain name Internet in the country.

I ARTICULATE 2. (REGISTRY OF domain nameS INTERNET). - The official creation of the Recorder of domain names Internet in Bolivia is approved, under the responsibility of the Bolivian Network of Data communication - BolNet, dependent organization of the Vice-presidency of the Republic.

I ARTICULATE 3. (REGULATION USE). - One puts in use the Regulation, norms and procedures for the registry of names of domain name Internet under the Code of Country for the domain name of Maximum Level (ccTLD)"bo", that comprises of the present Supreme Decree, like annexed.

I ARTICULATE 4. (REGISTRY OF GOVERNMENTAL domain name). - One arranges that all the governmental networks, systems, paginas Web and vestibules must register under the domain name "gov.bo" that means governmental area in the Bolivia domain name, as it bases of the general ordering of domain names on Bolivia.

The Gentlemen Ministers of State in the Portfolios of the Presidency and Sustainable development and Planning, the ones in charge of the execution and fulfillment of the present Supreme Decree have left.

It is given in the Palace of Government of the city of La Paz, to the fourteen days of the month of May of year two thousands two.

FDO. Gustavo Fernandez Saavedra, Alberto Leytón Avilés, Jose Luis Lupo Flowers, Oscar Guilarte Lujan, Checks Loubiere Wheat, Carlos Alberto Gotilla Horseman, Carlos Dark brown Kempf, Amalia Anaya Garden, René Bilbao belly TEMPORARY MINISTER OF HEALTH and SOCIAL FORECAST, Juan Antonio Chahín Lupo, Walter Nuñez Rodriguez, Ramiro Cavero Uriona, Claudius Mansilla Rock, Xavier Iturri Walnuts, Hernán Ergueta Terraces, Tomasa Yarhui Jacome.

domain name NAMES


1,1 Description

So that the networks of computers and their diverse terminals located in them can be connected and to be recognized in Internet, it is necessary that they are registered with a domain name name, in the information centers of networks (Network Information Center = NIC). The NIC of each country is a public service that administers the common resources like the names of domain name under its jurisdiction.
In Bolivia, the Bolivian network of Data communication - BOLNET, special project of the Vice-presidency of the Republic of Bolivia, assumes the competition to administer the domain name of maximum level for Bolivia (Top Level Doamin) denominated bo (point bo) from year 1990. As of 1995, after which BolNet manages to connect to Bolivia to the Internet, a normatividad of simple handling for the users and clients of Internet of all the social and economic sectors becomes the first supplier of services Internet generating of our country. This normatividad later, is transformed into Policies, the same ones that have been approved by the Executive Secretariat of the CONACYT, and whose philosophy in front of is based on the fairness and neutrality any supplier Internet or end user in Bolivia, that has the necessity to connect network or networks to Internet.

The Administrative person in charge is Claudia Sanchez and Sanchez the Engineer of operation is Ramiro Miranda Moor

1,2 Functions

The most important functions that it carries out the NIC - Bolivia are:

·Administrative management of domain name of first level for Bolivia: "bo
·Configuration and operation of the servants of primary and secondary DNS for the code of country of domain name of maximum level (country code Top Level domain name = ccTLD), ccTLD in Bolivia is: bo


The structure of the System of Names of domain name, takes implicit the following definitions:

DNS: System of Names of domain name. In English: domain name Name System
NIC: Information center of networks. In Ingles: Network Information Center
Names of domain name: Literal codes that serve to designate or to name networks or sites in Internet
Names of New domain name: Names that have not been registered or that were eliminated in the NIC Bolivia and that are being solicitd
Technical person in charge of the domain name : Person of contact with the NIC for the technical handling of the domain name
Administrative person in charge of the domain name : Person contact with the NIC for the administrative handling of the domain name
Financial person in charge of the domain name : Person responsible contact for () the payment (s) by services NIC for the allocation and handling of the domain name


3.1. General Aspects

a) The registry of domain name name has two modalities, first, when the applicant has a servant of names with numbers IP already assigned for that domain name; second through the name reserve that according to the policies of the NIC Bolivia, the applicant has a term of 60 days to physically have his network.

b) the requests of domain name registry can be:
·Filled and introduced in the Page Web of the Bolivian NIC: www.nic.bo
·Filled and sent by electronic mail to the direction:nic@nic.bo
·Filled and sent by FAX: 5912 2200750

c) the document base of policies that uses the NIC/Bolivia is RFC 1591, produced and emitted by Internic.

d) the attention of the registry is sequential according to the order of arrival of requests (each one has a number of entrance) and the allocation of domain name, if some does not exist observation, delays 48 hours at the most.

e) For a correct operation of the connected network to Internet of which the request comes from domain name, it is essential to make the management of registry of inverse resolution of directions IP.

f) the registry of domain name name is condition necessary to enter Internet and so that the network can enter to others and of other sites Internet.

3,2 General conditions for the registry of domain name names.

The sub domain names under bo are classified of the following form:

edu.bo: For public and deprived educative institutions whose request must go accompanied of the legal function and position of agent, signed by the Competent Authority

org.bo : For nonlucrative organizations in Bolivia, whose request must go accompanied by the signed one by the competent authority.

net.bo: For suppliers of services of Internet (ISP) in Bolivia, whose request must go accompanied by the photocopy of the registry of value added in the Supervision of telecommunications.

gov.bo : For institutions or organizations of the Bolivian government. The requests must be signed by the competent authority.

com.bo : For commercial organizations. The request must appear next to the photocopy of the SENAREC or Registry of Mark

mil.bo: For military organizations whose request must be signed by the Maxima Authority of the Institution

ego.bo : For particular people Ejm. maria.ego.bo

int.bo : For International Organisms

tv.bo : For televising mass media

According to the evaluation of the new technologies of the information and communication in Bolivia and the social demand the subdominos could be increased.

·The length overall of the domain name will not have to exceed the 32 characters
·The valid characters are numbers (0-9), letters (to - z) and the script (-)
·The domain name names will not have to begin or to finish with (-) nor taking two scripts (- -) followed

3.3. Legal Function and position of agent

Next companies are detailed to the requirements of the organizations// institutions.

The function and position of agent must go accompanied to the form of registry of domain name name.

Educative Institutions : Authorized request of domain name name by the Maxima authority of the Educative Institution, Governing in case of Universities and Directors in case of schools or Schools.

Entidades Gubernamentales: Solicitud firmada por la máxima autoridad de la Entidad Gubernamental

Entidades Comerciales y Empresariales: 1. Solicitud firmada por la autoridad competente de la Institución y/o empresa 2. Certificado de registro Comercial o Marca Registrada

Institución o Unidad Militar: Solicitud firmada por la Autoridad Superior de la Institución o Unidad Militar Organismos Internacionales: Solicitud oficial firmada por el Director o Autoridad Superior del organismo Internacional.

Organismos Gubernamentales: Solicitud firmada por la Autoridad Superior de la Institución

En el caso de que la empresa o institución que solicite un dominio bajo el .com.bo, no presentara un registro de marca o algún documento que avale que el nombre solicitado le pertenece, el Nic Bolivia realizará la habilitación del dominio a Riesgo del Usuario, esto es: si una vez habilitado el dominio sin documentación respaldatoria, llega al Nic Bolivia una solicitud con el mismo nombre de dominio, el Nic Bolivia hará una revisión del caso y otorgará el nombre de dominio a la Institución o Empresa que presente Documentos de respaldo legal. Cualquier juicio por usurpación o manejo ilegal del nombre, está fuera de la responsabilidad del Nic Bolivia.


Se refieren a algunos aspectos del registro de dominio. El cambio en la denominación del dominio significa la anulación del dominio y la creación de uno nuevo.

4.1 Autorizados para solicitar la modificación
Los contactos técnico y administrativo son los únicos autorizados para realizar las modificaciones.

4.2 Clases de Modificaciones Permitidas
Cambio de la entidad/ institución/ empresa
Cambio de la razón social, o personería jurídica
Cambio del contacto administrativo, técnico o financiero
Cambio de los servidores de nombre primario o secundario (DNS)

4.3 Condiciones para realizar las modificaciones
Llenar correctamente el formulario de modificación de registro de dominio
La modificación debe ser solicitada por los responsables técnico o administrativo

4.4 Tiempo para realizar la modificación
El Nic Bolivia, realiza la modificación de dominios en 48 horas (dos días hábiles de trabajo) si se cumplieron los requisitos anteriormente descritos.

4.5 Certificación
Tanto la habilitación como la modificación de dominios la realiza la Responsable Administrativa del Nic- Bolivia, mediante correo electrónico.

4.6 Corroboración del usuario
Si el usuario no realiza mayores observaciones a la anterior certificación en los próximos 15 días el Nic Bolivia asume que la modificación de registro de dominio está consolidada.

4.7 Cuentas y modificación
Todo usuario de una determinada red puede solicitar al contacto técnico de esa red la modificación de su servidor. El contacto técnico puede hacer su solicitud al contacto administrativo del Nic-Bolivia siempre y cuando sus cuentas estén al día.


5.1 Razones para eliminación de dominio
a. A solicitud expresa de los responsables del dominio
b. Por fecha vencida de pago de anualidad del dominio
c. Falta de resolución en el dominio a través de la red
d. Como consecuencia de un fallo judicial ejecutoriado en el marco de las normas nacionales, por disputa de nombre de dominio
e. Por manejo de documentación fraudulenta al tiempo de registrar el dominio
f. Por incumplimiento de pago dentro de los 15 días de haber sido notificado el usuario

5.2 Procedimiento para la eliminación del dominio
a. Los responsables del dominio deben presentar una solicitud de eliminacion para que el Nic proceda a la misma dentro las 48 horas
b. La eliminación del dominio debe ser presentada mediante carta formal al Nic Bolivia, una vez comprobada la autenticidad se procederá a la eliminación del dominio.


61. Clases de cuota
Existen dos tipos de cuotas:
a. Por nuevo registro de nombre de dominio
b. Por mantenimiento anual de dominio

Montos de las cuotas
a. Por un nuevo registro se cobra un monto de 75 $us (Setenta y cinco dólares americanos )o su equivalente en moneda nacional al tipo de cambio de la fecha de pago.
b. Por mantenimiento anual de registro un monto de 75$ (Setenta y cinco dólares americanos) o su equivalente en moneda nacional al tipo de cambio de la fecha de pago. Los pagos de mantenimiento de dominios se los hace en el día y mes de registro de la primera vez.

Formas de Pago:

Para usuarios en la ciudad de La Paz y el Alto:

1. Mediante Depósito Bancario:
Realizar un depósito bancario en el Banco Central de Bolivia.
Nombre de la Cuenta:
Vicepresidencia- Bolnet 03-W-301
Número de Cuenta: 0659 B

2. Mediante Cheque
Girar un cheque a la orden de : Banco Central d Bolivia 03-W-301, girado en bolivianos . El cheque debe ser remitido a: calle Socabaya Edificio Handal Piso 5 Of. 504.

3. En efectivo
Pagar en efectivo en las oficinas de cobranzas del Nic Bolivia: Calle Socabaya, edificio Handal, piso 5 Of. 504.

Para el Interior del País:

1. Mediante giro bancario.
Desde cualquier banco en el interior del país, realizar un giro al Banco Central de Bolivia en la ciudad de La Paz. Nombre de la Cuenta: Vicepresidencia- Bolnet 03-W-301 Número de la Cuenta: 0659 B
Una vez realizado el giro, enviar el comprobante por fax o por correo electrónico, para su respectiva verificación.

2. Mediante cheque:
Desde cualquier punto del país, girar un cheque a la orden de : Banco Central de Bolivia 03-W-301, girado en bolivianos al cambio oficial del día. El cheque debe ser enviado a la siguiente dirección: Calle Socabaya Edificio Handal, Piso 5 Of. 504, en la ciudad de La Paz.

Para el exterior del Páis:

Nombre Banco: DRESDNER BANK A.G.
Número de Cuenta: 000000 700654
Nombre de cuenta: Banco Central de Bolivia
Moneda: Dólares Americanos
Plaza: New York- USA
Dirección: 75 Wall Street-New York 10005 - 2889
Código Swift: DRESUS33XXX
Código FEDWIRE (ABA): 0026008303
Código CHIPS ABA : 0830

Para una adecuada identificación de la operación el depósito deberá tener la referencia de abonar en la cuenta 03W301 Vicepresidencia-BolNet 0659B.

3. Por débito Automático a Tarjeta de Crédito mediante uso de la pagina web del nic Bolivia (ecommerce)

Se utiliza el estandar internacional de comercio electrónico para el debito automático a tarjeta de crédito, cuya interfaz hacia el usuario es la página web del centro de información de redes (nic) de Bolivia.


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